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YDKYK March Madness Pt 2: Win Probability ft Super Bowl Sunday

Waiting for Selection Sunday? Using Super Bowl Sunday to look at ways that Las Vegas, and you, can think about win probability come March.

Caching Instead of Cleaning Your Room

Applications of a fundamental computer science concept in the most familiar of places

First Tech Internship Takeaways

The first experience working in the professional tech world.

An Apology to DevOps

Going from graduating with a IC Physics Degree to Designing CI/CD Pipelines. The path between that led to a place more familiar than expected.

APIs: Definition Driven Development and the Power of Swagger

Documentation is one of the least rewarding, time consuming, and mentally exhausting exercises for a development team. But it doesn't have to be.

YDKYK: The Machine Learning Behind Your March Madness Picks

First post in the series: You Didn't Know You Know. We walk sports fans through the process of picking their March Madness bracket to show them that they might know more about machine learning than they think

Expectations and the Madness that Ensues

Looking back at teams that have exceeded and fallen short of expectations in the first weekend of the NCAA Tournament